GCC makes a mess

Following up on a report about FFmpeg being slower at MPEG audio decoding than MAD, I compared the speed of the two decoders on a few machines. FFmpeg came out somewhat ahead of MAD on most of my test systems with the exception of 32-bit PowerPC. On the PPC MAD was nearly twice as fast as FFmpeg, suggesting something was going badly wrong in the compilation.

A session with oprofile exposes multiplication as the root of the problem. The MPEG audio decoder in FFmpeg includes many operations of the form a += b * c where b and c are 32 bits in size and a is 64-bit. 64-bit maths on a 32-bit CPU is not handled well by GCC, even when good hardware support is available. A couple of examples compiled with GCC 4.3.3 illustrate this.

Suppose you need the high 32 bits from the 64-bit result of multiplying two 32-bit numbers. This is most easily written in C like this:

int mulh(int a, int b)
    return ((int64_t)a * (int64_t)b) >> 32;

It doesn’t take much thinking to see that the PowerPC mulhw instruction performs exactly this operation. Indeed, GCC knows of this instruction and uses it. But can we be really sure that those low 32 bits are not needed? GCC seems unconvinced:

mulhw   r9,  r4,  r3
mullw   r10, r4,  r3
srawi   r11, r9,  31
srawi   r12, r9,  0
mr      r3,  r12

The second example is slightly more complicated:

int64_t mac(int64_t a, int b, int c, int d)
    a += (int64_t)b * (int64_t)c;
    a += (int64_t)b * (int64_t)d;
    return a;

This can, of course, be done with four multiplications and four additions. GCC, however, likes to be thorough, and uses twice the number of both instructions, plus some loads, stores and shifts for completeness:

stwu    r1,  -32(r1)
srawi   r0,  r6,  31
mullw   r0,  r0,  r5
srawi   r8,  r7,  31
stw     r29, 20(r1)
srawi   r29, r5,  31
stw     r27, 12(r1)
stw     r28, 16(r1)
mullw   r11, r29, r6
mulhwu  r9,  r6,  r5
add     r0,  r0,  r11
mullw   r10, r6,  r5
add     r9,  r0,  r9
mullw   r29, r29, r7
addc    r28, r10, r4
adde    r27, r9,  r3
mullw   r8,  r8,  r5
mulhwu  r9,  r7,  r5
add     r8,  r8,  r29
lwz     r29, 20(r1)
mullw   r10, r7,  r5
add     r9,  r8,  r9
addc    r12, r28, r10
adde    r11, r27, r9
lwz     r27, 12(r1)
mr      r4,  r12
lwz     r28, 16(r1)
mr      r3,  r11
addi    r1,  r1,  32

Fortunately, this madness is easily fixed with a little inline assembler, more than doubling the speed of the decoder, thus making FFmpeg significantly faster than MAD also on PowerPC.

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35 Responses to GCC makes a mess

  1. Adrian Bunk says:

    gcc 4.4.0 gives

       0:   7d 24 18 96     mulhw   r9,r4,r3
       4:   7d 23 4b 78     mr      r3,r9
       8:   4e 80 00 20     blr


       0:   7c ec 3b 78     mr      r12,r7
       4:   7c eb fe 70     srawi   r11,r7,31
       8:   7c ca 33 78     mr      r10,r6
       c:   7c c9 fe 70     srawi   r9,r6,31
      10:   7d 4a 60 14     addc    r10,r10,r12
      14:   7d 29 59 14     adde    r9,r9,r11
      18:   7c ab fe 70     srawi   r11,r5,31
      1c:   7c 09 29 d6     mullw   r0,r9,r5
      20:   7d 6b 51 d6     mullw   r11,r11,r10
      24:   7d 0a 29 d6     mullw   r8,r10,r5
      28:   7c ea 28 16     mulhwu  r7,r10,r5
      2c:   7c 00 5a 14     add     r0,r0,r11
      30:   7d 06 43 78     mr      r6,r8
      34:   7c a0 3a 14     add     r5,r0,r7
      38:   7c c6 20 14     addc    r6,r6,r4
      3c:   7c a5 19 14     adde    r5,r5,r3
      40:   7c c4 33 78     mr      r4,r6
      44:   7c a3 2b 78     mr      r3,r5
      48:   4e 80 00 20     blr
  2. Mans says:

    That’s certainly an improvement, going from five times to only twice the optimal code size in the first case and from 3.6x to 2.25x in the second.

    Too bad gcc 4.4 is unable to compile a working FFmpeg on PPC, see http://fate.multimedia.cx/

  3. Adrian Bunk says:

    Is anyone reporting all the bugs (both miscompilations and inefficient code) you discover to the gcc Bugzilla?

    The “gcc 4.4 is unable to compile a working FFmpeg on PPC” even looks like a regression that is likely to be fixed in later 4.4 releases if reported.

  4. Adrian Bunk says:

    I just read through the whole bug, and in it’s context this statement sounds reasonable (syntactically correct code can cause trouble for gcc’s register allocator).

    Wrong code generation is a very different issue than the issue discussed there.

  5. compn says:

    i was going to ask about mad being an int-only decoder but i see ffmpeg mpeg audio decoder has had an int-only version since 0.4.6…

    was the original bugreport on ppc ?

  6. ami_stuff says:

    Is there a way to fix it with generic C code without asm inlines (probably no one will add m68k code)? If so, I can test it.

  7. ami_stuff says:
    int64_t mac(int64_t a, int b, int c, int d)
        a += (int64_t)b * (int64_t)c;
        a += (int64_t)b * (int64_t)d;
        return a;

    GCC 3.4 (-m68060 -fomit-frame-pointer -s -O3):

    	.globl	_mac
    	moveml #0x3c20,sp@-
    	movel sp@(24),d2
    	movel sp@(28),d3
    	movel sp@(32),d5
    	smi d4
    	extbl d4
    	lea ___muldi3,a2
    	movel sp@(36),d1
    	smi d0
    	extbl d0
    	movel d1,sp@-
    	movel d0,sp@-
    	movel d5,sp@-
    	movel d4,sp@-
    	jbsr a2@
    	lea sp@(16),sp
    	addl d1,d3
    	addxl d0,d2
    	movel sp@(40),d1
    	smi d0
    	extbl d0
    	movel d1,sp@-
    	movel d0,sp@-
    	movel d5,sp@-
    	movel d4,sp@-
    	jbsr a2@
    	lea sp@(16),sp
    	addl d3,d1
    	addxl d2,d0
    	moveml sp@+,#0x43c

    GCC 4.3.2 (-m68060 -fomit-frame-pointer -s -O3):

    	.globl	_mac
    	movem.l #15392,-(sp)
    	move.l 32(sp),d3
    	smi d2
    	extb.l d2
    	lea ___muldi3,a2
    	move.l d3,-(sp)
    	move.l d2,-(sp)
    	move.l 44(sp),-(sp)
    	smi d0
    	extb.l d0
    	move.l d0,-(sp)
    	jsr (a2)
    	lea (16,sp),sp
    	move.l 24(sp),d4
    	move.l 28(sp),d5
    	add.l d1,d5
    	addx.l d0,d4
    	move.l d3,-(sp)
    	move.l d2,-(sp)
    	move.l 48(sp),-(sp)
    	smi d0
    	extb.l d0
    	move.l d0,-(sp)
    	jsr (a2)
    	lea (16,sp),sp
    	add.l d1,d5
    	addx.l d0,d4
    	move.l d4,d0
    	move.l d5,d1
    	movem.l (sp)+,#1084

    GCC 4.4 alpha 20081212 (-m68060 -fomit-frame-pointer -s -O3):

    	.globl	_mac
    	movem.l #15360,-(sp)
    	move.l 36(sp),d3
    	smi d2
    	extb.l d2
    	move.l 32(sp),d1
    	smi d0
    	extb.l d0
    	move.l 28(sp),-(sp)
    	smi d4
    	extb.l d4
    	move.l d4,-(sp)
    	move.l d2,d4
    	move.l d3,d5
    	add.l d1,d5
    	addx.l d0,d4
    	move.l d5,-(sp)
    	move.l d4,-(sp)
    	jsr ___muldi3
    	lea (16,sp),sp
    	move.l d1,d2
    	move.l d0,d1
    	move.l 20(sp),d5
    	add.l 24(sp),d2
    	addx.l d5,d1
    	move.l d1,d0
    	move.l d2,d1
    	movem.l (sp)+,#60
    • Mans says:

      Try this:

      int64_t MAC64(int64_t d, int a, int b)
          union { int64_t x; int hl[2]; } x = { d };
          int h, l;
          __asm__ ("muls.l %5, %2, %3  \n\t"
                   "add.l  %3, %1      \n\t"
                   "addx.l %2, %0      \n\t"
                   : "+dm"(x.hl[0]), "+dm"(x.hl[1]),
                     "=d"(h), "=&d"(l)
                   : "3"(a), "g"(b));
          return x.x;

      BTW, gcc 4.3 and above for m68k all ICE in various places building FFmpeg.

  8. ami_stuff says:


    Try WinUAE – Amiga’s emulator. It supports 68040+FPU:


    PS. Right now site is down, but the latest executable is here:


  9. Mans says:

    UAE is a full system emulator. It would be much easier to test things with Qemu userspace emulation. Real hardware would be even more fun of course. What hardware are you using?

  10. ami_stuff says:

    WinUAE, but most of the time I get right timings – the same results I get from users of a real hardware (which binary file is faster, which is slower), so when something is faster on WinUAE, it is probably faster on a real hardware too.

  11. ami_stuff says:

    Hmm, something is wrong:

    #define int64_t  long long
    int64_t MAC64(int64_t d, int a, int b)
        union { int64_t x; int hl[2]; } x = { d };
        int h, l;
        __asm__ ("muls.l %5, %2, %3  \n\t"
                 "add.l  %3, %1      \n\t"
                 "addx.l %2, %0      \n\t"
                 : "+dm"(x.hl[0]), "+dm"(x.hl[1]),
                   "=d"(h), "=&d"(l)
                 : "3"(a), "g"(b));
        return x.x;

    GCC 4.4 error:

    libavcodec/mpegaudiodec.c:54 error: expected identifier or '(' before 'long'
    libavcodec/mpegaudiodec.c:54 error: expected ')' before '+=' token

    Line 54 is “int64_t MAC64(int64_t d, int a, int b)”.

  12. Bernd_afa says:

    intresting at least on 68k gcc4.4.0 experimental need only 1 muldi3 and older compilers need 2.

    now i compile gcc4.4.0 release and i send it to amistuff

    if there is need of a 68k system easy to use and know from amiga in the past, here is a modern preconfig system work on linux and windows.only kickrom images of a amiga are need.


  13. Bernd_afa says:
    __asm__ ("muls.l %5, %2, %3  \n\t"
                 "add.l  %3, %1      \n\t"
                 "addx.l %2, %0      \n\t"
                 : "+dm"(x.hl[0]), "+dm"(x.hl[1]),

    muls does only support 2 parameters on 68k the result is in 2. register
    but i cant fix it, i have problems to understand the gcc to register syntax

  14. Mans says:

    My code generates correct-looking machine code when compiled with gcc/gas. I just can’t test it.

  15. ami_stuff says:


    C:\>ffmpeg -i test.mp3
    FFmpeg version SVN-r18696, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
    configuration: –enable-memalign-hack –prefix=/mingw –cross-prefix=i686-ming
    w32- –cc=ccache-i686-mingw32-gcc –target-os=mingw32 –arch=i686 –cpu=i686 –e
    nable-avisynth –enable-gpl –enable-zlib –enable-bzlib –enable-libgsm –enabl
    e-libfaac –enable-libfaad –enable-pthreads –enable-libvorbis –enable-libtheo
    ra –enable-libspeex –enable-libmp3lame –enable-libopenjpeg –enable-libxvid –
    -enable-libschroedinger –enable-libx264
    libavutil 50. 3. 0 / 50. 3. 0
    libavcodec 52.27. 0 / 52.27. 0
    libavformat 52.32. 0 / 52.32. 0
    libavdevice 52. 2. 0 / 52. 2. 0
    libswscale 0. 7. 1 / 0. 7. 1
    built on Apr 27 2009 04:01:39, gcc: 4.2.4
    Input #0, mp3, from ‘test.mp3’:
    Duration: 00:04:53.06, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 236 kb/s
    Stream #0.0: Audio: mp3, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16, 192 kb/s
    At least one output file must be specified

    ffmpeg -i test.mp3 test.wav (MPEGAUDIO_HP)

    noasm version: 1:24m
    asm version: 1:14m

    More m68k optimalizations please! :)

  16. Bernd_afa says:

    I think i find now out how gcc work with 64 bit.in gcc file gcc4.4.0/gcc/longlong.h must be valid asm code for gcc or libgcc is used.

    for 68020 it is here.but 68060 have no 32*32 bit with 64 bit result instruction so 68060 use code in libgcc2.c

    the code in longlong.h is this.
    it seem gcc support only umul udiv and sdiv on all platforms but no smul.

    /* The '020, '030, '040, '060 and CPU32 have 32x32->64 and 64/32->32q-32r.  */
    #if (defined (__mc68020__) && !defined (__mc68060__))
    #define umul_ppmm(w1, w0, u, v) \
      __asm__ ("mulu%.l %3,%1:%0"						\
    	   : "=d" ((USItype) (w0)),					\
    	     "=d" ((USItype) (w1))					\
    	   : "%0" ((USItype) (u)),					\
    	     "dmi" ((USItype) (v)))
    #define UMUL_TIME 45
    #define udiv_qrnnd(q, r, n1, n0, d) \
      __asm__ ("divu%.l %4,%1:%0"						\
    	   : "=d" ((USItype) (q)),					\
    	     "=d" ((USItype) (r))					\
    	   : "0" ((USItype) (n0)),					\
    	     "1" ((USItype) (n1)),					\
    	     "dmi" ((USItype) (d)))
    #define UDIV_TIME 90
    #define sdiv_qrnnd(q, r, n1, n0, d) \
      __asm__ ("divs%.l %4,%1:%0"						\
    	   : "=d" ((USItype) (q)),					\
    	     "=d" ((USItype) (r))					\
    	   : "0" ((USItype) (n0)),					\
    	     "1" ((USItype) (n1)),					\
    	     "dmi" ((USItype) (d))) 

    I need closer check if it work as exspectet.

  17. Bernd_afa says:

    here is what is possible in longlong.h
    /* Define auxiliary asm macros.

    1) umul_ppmm(high_prod, low_prod, multiplier, multiplicand) multiplies two
    UWtype integers MULTIPLIER and MULTIPLICAND, and generates a two UWtype
    word product in HIGH_PROD and LOW_PROD.

    2) __umulsidi3(a,b) multiplies two UWtype integers A and B, and returns a
    UDWtype product. This is just a variant of umul_ppmm.

    3) udiv_qrnnd(quotient, remainder, high_numerator, low_numerator,
    denominator) divides a UDWtype, composed by the UWtype integers
    HIGH_NUMERATOR and LOW_NUMERATOR, by DENOMINATOR and places the quotient
    in QUOTIENT and the remainder in REMAINDER. HIGH_NUMERATOR must be less
    than DENOMINATOR for correct operation. If, in addition, the most
    significant bit of DENOMINATOR must be 1, then the pre-processor symbol
    UDIV_NEEDS_NORMALIZATION is defined to 1.

    4) sdiv_qrnnd(quotient, remainder, high_numerator, low_numerator,
    denominator). Like udiv_qrnnd but the numbers are signed. The quotient
    is rounded towards 0.

    5) count_leading_zeros(count, x) counts the number of zero-bits from the
    msb to the first nonzero bit in the UWtype X. This is the number of
    steps X needs to be shifted left to set the msb. Undefined for X == 0,
    unless the symbol COUNT_LEADING_ZEROS_0 is defined to some value.

    6) count_trailing_zeros(count, x) like count_leading_zeros, but counts
    from the least significant end.

    7) add_ssaaaa(high_sum, low_sum, high_addend_1, low_addend_1,
    high_addend_2, low_addend_2) adds two UWtype integers, composed by
    respectively. The result is placed in HIGH_SUM and LOW_SUM. Overflow
    (i.e. carry out) is not stored anywhere, and is lost.

    8) sub_ddmmss(high_difference, low_difference, high_minuend, low_minuend,
    high_subtrahend, low_subtrahend) subtracts two two-word UWtype integers,
    composed by HIGH_MINUEND_1 and LOW_MINUEND_1, and HIGH_SUBTRAHEND_2 and
    LOW_SUBTRAHEND_2 respectively. The result is placed in HIGH_DIFFERENCE
    and LOW_DIFFERENCE. Overflow (i.e. carry out) is not stored anywhere,
    and is lost.

    If any of these macros are left undefined for a particular CPU,
    C macros are used. */

  18. ami_stuff says:

    I compiled second example with GCC 4.4 final and asm output is identicial to 4.4 alpha, so no changes for m68k.

    I see that “ppc/mathops.h” have optimized versions of MULH, MLS64, MUL16, MAC16 and all of this stuff is used by “libavcodec/mpegaudiodec.c” file.
    Amiga compiler misses also llrint() function which I see is used by decoder, so this slow downs decoding process too.
    There are also no asm optimized round() and roundf() functions.

    If you know Mans how implement these functions as GCC’s m68k asm inlines, it would be really great and it would probably speedup FFmpeg’s decoder a lot.

  19. ami_stuff says:

    Holly shit! Only 29 sec. now!

  20. ami_stuff says:

    It beats libmad by 1 sec. With more optimizations like asm llrint() it will be even faster.

    Is there a way to asm optimized code for 68060 build too?

  21. Mans says:

    What hardware are you running this on? Can you confirm that the decoded output is correct, please?

    68060 doesn’t have the 32×32->64 multiply instruction, but I’m sure it’s not too hard to beat gcc even without it.

    The floating point rounding functions are not used in speed-critical places so there is no need to optimise them.

  22. ami_stuff says:

    I’m running it on WinUAE emulator. I hear no different, but “find dups” program don’t recognize file decoded with standard FFmpeg and asm-optimized as identicial. I can decode some short file and send it to you to mail if you want, so you can analyze it.

  23. Mans says:

    Could you try disabling the asm functions one at a time and see which causes the discrepancy?

  24. ami_stuff says:

    Bad News. This all speedup was because I compared 68060 build of FFmpeg with 68040 build. 68060 build needs to emulate “muls” instruction – here is a speedup. Also, 68040 build generates different wav file compared to 68060 build.

    When I compile with your MAC64 & MLS64 functions I get only 1 sec. speedup.

    MULH don’t want to compile – statement ‘mul.l (a6),d2:d1’ ignored etc.

  25. ami_stuff says:

    so for 68060 CPU libmad is the best choice

  26. Bernd_afa says:

    I test this
    -03 -m68020
    -m68040 same result

    int64_t MULH(int a, int b)
    return ((int64_t)(a) * (int64_t)(b))>>32;

    main(int argc, char *argv[])

    printf (“%ld\n”,MULH(argc,(long)argv));

    the code for 68060 is very inefficent, because there is no asm macro in longlong.h
    the command MULS.L D4,D2:D6 is also not support on the UAE JIT and is slow execute by interpreter.

    i think in gcc longlong.h is miss code for 68060.
    I see coldfire code, but this code is too so complex, is a 32 bit *32 bit -> 64 bit result not easier possible ?

    gcc 3.4.0
    MOVE.L 8(A5),D7
    MOVE.L $C(A5),D4
    BSR.L ___main ;
    MOVE.L D7,D6
    MULS.L D4,D2:D6
    MOVE.L D2,-(A7)
    SMI D0
    EXTB.L D0
    MOVE.L D0,-(A7)
    PEA _MAC64+$2E(PC)
    LEA _printf,A3 ;

    gcc 4.3.2

    MOVE.L $C(A5),D1
    MULS.L 8(A5),D0:D1
    MOVE.L D0,-(A7)
    SMI D2
    EXTB.L D2
    MOVE.L D2,-(A7)
    PEA _time_delay+$F8(PC)
    LEA _printf,A3 ;10F94

    gcc 4.4.0

    MOVE.L 8(A5),D2
    MOVE.L $C(A5),D3
    JSR ___main ;10FD50
    MOVE.L D3,D1
    MULS.L D2,D0:D1
    MOVE.L D0,-(A7)
    SMI D2
    EXTB.L D2
    MOVE.L D2,-(A7)
    PEA _time_delay+$FA(PC)
    LEA _printf,A3 ;10FD53

    now with -m68060

    MOVE.L 8(A5),-(A7)
    SMI D0
    EXTB.L D0
    MOVE.L D0,-(A7)
    MOVE.L $C(A5),-(A7)
    SMI D2
    EXTB.L D2
    MOVE.L D2,-(A7)
    JSR ___muldi3 ;110504
    LEA $10(A7),A7
    MOVE.L D0,-(A7)
    SMI D2
    EXTB.L D2
    MOVE.L D2,-(A7)
    PEA _time_delay+$FA(PC)
    LEA _printf,A3 ;110508
    JSR (A3)


    110504A8: MOVE.L A5,-(A7)
    110504AA: MOVEA.L A7,A5
    110504AC: MOVEM.L D2-D7/A2,-(A7)
    110504B0: MOVE.L $C(A5),D5
    110504B4: MOVE.L $14(A5),D6
    110504B8: MOVEA.L 8(A5),A2
    110504BC: MOVE.L $10(A5),D7
    110504C0: MOVE.L D5,D0
    110504C2: MOVE.L D6,D1
    110504C4: MOVE.L D0,D2
    110504C6: SWAP D0
    110504C8: MOVE.L D1,D3
    110504CA: SWAP D1
    110504CC: MOVE D2,D4
    110504CE: MULU D3,D4
    110504D0: MULU D1,D2
    110504D2: MULU D0,D3
    110504D4: MULU D0,D1
    110504D6: MOVE.L D4,D0
    110504D8: EOR D0,D0
    110504DA: SWAP D0
    110504DC: ADD.L D0,D2
    110504DE: ADD.L D3,D2
    110504E0: BCC.S ___muldi3+$40 ;110504E8
    110504E2: ADDI.L #$10000,D1
    110504E8: SWAP D2
    110504EA: MOVEQ #0,D0
    110504EC: MOVE D2,D0
    110504EE: MOVE D4,D2
    110504F0: MOVEA.L D2,A1
    110504F2: ADD.L D1,D0
    110504F4: MOVEA.L D0,A0
    110504F6: MOVE.L A1,D1
    110504F8: MULS.L D7,D5
    110504FC: MOVE.L A2,D2
    110504FE: MULS.L D2,D6
    11050502: ADD.L D6,D5
    11050504: ADD.L A0,D5
    11050506: MOVE.L D5,D0
    11050508: MOVEM.L (A7)+,D2-D7/A2
    1105050C: UNLK A5
    1105050E: RTS

  27. ami_stuff says:

    Mans, could you try to create code for 68060? This way we will know if this slowdown is because of slow GCC asm generated code or maybe it’s normal without hardware 32×32->64 and there is nothing what can be done without re-design of the mpegaudio decoder? Thanks

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